Taking you from the Driver Trained OT Uni Course to a clinical leader

What's invovled:

  • Weekly group coaching
  • Group community where you will share and learn from the tribe
  • One on One report reviews and coaching to personally develop your clinical excellence

Brad Williams Driver Trained OT Consultant

Schedule My Free Call

What I know to be true is that there are plenty of techniques and tools to help you grow as a clinician. But they ALL have the potential to fail if you haven’t the direct assistance to implement what you have learnt.  

It saddens me when people sign up for the Driver Trained OT courses from around Australia and then they dont implement what they have learnt. Maybe people are not given the opportunities, but I know that it is frequently due to a lack of confidence, knowledge and experience that has people hesitate and turn down work or not promote there skills with confidence to win referrals.

Well that is about to change.

If you have graduated fom the Driver Trained OT course and you are feeling like a new grad again, and you want the clinical guidance like you did when you first grauated as an OT, I am here to help.

I remember when I first graduated from the course, I was furtunate enough to have a driving clinical lead to guide me in the right direction. I wouldnt be where I am now without it. Yet many clinicians go into driving roles without the clinical guidance of an experienced driver trained OT. That's were mistakes can be made, questions go unanaswered and clinicians loose confidence. I dont want this to be you. So I am providing you with what I was lucky enough to have. A guiding hand.

Or maybe you got your qualifications a long time ago and you want to refresh your skills and knowledge to start practicing in this area called driving again. Maybe this sounds like you.

We are going to take the principles, ideas, frameworks, tools and resources from what I have learnt over the 10+ years that I have had in this area and implement them into our own work and life.  

you will learn how to clinically justify products and rehabilitation for drivers with disabilities.  

Let me ask you this, what do you need right now to help you be the Driver Trained Occupational Therapist that you want to be?  


I’m offering my unique blend of coaching / consulting / counselling / butt-kicking, and it is waiting for you.

That's enough for me, let me in!

Hi, I’m Brad Williams and I have been a driver trained OT since 2008. I have been doing heavy vehicle assessments and other styles of vehicle assessments since 2011 and in 2013 I became a qualified driving instructor. I live for this part of OT. It is my passion and if you follow Williams OT, you will see that this is all I do. I teach part of the UniSA/Flinders Uni Driver Assessment and Rehab course and I own my own business and I have trained multiple OTs to replicate my skills, knowledge and expertise. The time has come for me to share my knowledge with more OTs that are driver trained. I am passionate about about creating the best possible outcomes for drivers with disabilities, and this includes up skilling driver trained OTs. I want you to learn form my experience. I want you to learn from my skill set. and I want you to be the best clinician you can be.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. 

If you want to go far, go together”

african proverb

Weekly Coaching

what's invovled

On the first week of the month we hold a video coaching session where I provide a clinical reasoning session.  

  • The session is recorded for you to watch in your own time. 
  • The session will delve into the clinical reasoning behind a decision. Topics will include: 
  • how to choose a driving aid and when would you use it,  
  • when to contemplate a restricted licences 
  • How to clinically justify lessons  

The second week will be a live Q and A session about the monthly coaching session.  

Week three will be a go and implement week  

Week four is a “BRAD in the HOT SEAT”. In this session you can ask any question that is on your mind in a group setting and we will discuss it out.  

No more trying to figure this stuff out on your own. I’m here for you. We are here for you. Let’s do this!

A place where those of us who were born to stand out are supported to take those next steps to do just that.

Group Community

You will be invited to join us in a online community. The group will be monitored and the tribe will get to give you feedback on any query or discussion.

  I will be regularly checking the group and providing feedback  

We will celebrate wins  

Keep a track of progress  

And enjoy the benefits of knowing that you are not alone  

One on One coaching

In this we will dig in deep to help you for a specific case or specific report.  

Critical review of reports  

  • Personalised feedback regarding wording 
  • Pull apart clinical reasoning for funding approvals 
  • Development of a writing style 
  • Developing flow  

One to one coaching sessions.  

  • Personalised problem solving  
  • Clinical skill acquisition
  • Get what is in my head into yours

Moving Forward

I trust that this proposal meets your requirements and that it fills you with confidence to move forward with driver assessments as an OT knowing that someone is here to help. 

I would be happy to discuss the finer points in more detail, so please press the get in contact buttons.

  What I need from you is Time, Energy and Momentum to see things through to completion. I need a commitment that you will take on feedback.